The teenage raft
"The afternoon sun bathed the scene in brilliant light, illuminating a group of teenagers scattered along the shore, their carefree laughter echoing above the waves. The boys tried to impress the girls with exaggerated dives into the shallow water, while others threw pebbles or sprawled nonchalantly on the warm sand. The girls, sunglasses on, watched with a mixture of amusement and feigned indifference, exchanging glances and subtle smiles. There was a particular energy in the air-a play of subtle gestures and light teasing, an implicit language of budding attraction and discovery. It was adolescence in all its sunny purity, on the edge of something bigger. "
Author: Jef Baecker
Edition:Edition limited to 30 copies
Authenticity: With certificate of authenticity
Signature: Numbered signed print
Auteur : Jef Baecker
Edition : Edition limitée à 30 exemplaires
Véritable tirage photographique argentique sur papier baryte
Authenticité : Avec certificat d'authenticité
Signature : Tirage signé numéroté
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